Commercial Law Services
At All Law you will receive quality advice across all types of Corporate Legal Services. It is our business to keep you successful and protected. You will benefit from our firms’ practical approach to Commercial and Corporate practice. Our lawyers are also Business Entrepreneurs who understand the complexities of running a small, medium or large organisation.
We can structure your business to achieve the right personal and business objectives. If you intend to transact any business, then you need quality advice at a reasonable price. Consider All Law for all your Corporate and Commercial needs. We assist in your decision to set up as a sole business owner, in partnership, as a joint venture or perhaps a trading trust. You may even benefit from setting up a Corporation or a Charity, and we can assist you with all aspects of these styles of trading. We can advise on what the benefits are financially to adopting a particular business structure.
If you are buying or selling a business, you need quality legal advice. We will undertake all the requisite due diligence to highlight to you any issues and to then preserve and protect all your legal rights to completion. Don’t risk not getting advice early in the process. It is important to know all the risks, financials, pros and cons in any business transaction prior to signing any contracts.
Trading is a risky and you need to be aware of your commercial obligations and rights in order to protect your assets and the business. There are many legislated obligations that you must know when you set up, whilst trading and in the event of facing the devastating scenario of corporate or personal insolvency – either personally, by your own company or a company who may owe you obligations under a contract, the law or otherwise. At this emotional time, you will benefit from leveraging our commercial expertise to define your rights and obligations clearly. The right advice at this time could save you thousands of dollars.
A full-service debt recovery service. From a formal letter of demand to a fully litigated matter. All law removes the challenge of you personally chasing debts to allow you to focus on your business. Let us manage the recovery of monies owed or pursue all your legal rights in a cost effective and conscientious manner. We can also assist in assigning any of these rights so that you get paid sooner. We offer a fixed fee letter of demand and also fixed fee claims and litigation. So, for peace of mind don’t wait any longer – hand this over to us for collection.
Credit and financing are usually a fundamental business services provided by banks and other financial institutions. There are a plethora of obligations by both parties that can have serious and detrimental consequences if they are breached. We ensure that these contracts are honoured and are fair and in accordance with the Law. So, if you have any banking, finance or credit issues you need to act quickly.
Allow All Law to setup your commercial enterprise and ensure that you are on a pathway to success from day one. We can assist with the incorporation of the company, ABN registration and various other business critical considerations. Structuring your initial shareholding is a key consideration to ensuring that your company and personal rights are protected. Spending the time to take quality legal advice can save thousands of dollars. We can also assist with terms of trade, debt recovery, privacy laws, IP and various other legal insights that will guide you to success.